The Tale of Chen Keming and the Hell Money

Joined: 2024-06-05 01:44:29
2024-06-07 03:14:14

In a quaint village, there lived a young farmer named Chen Keming. Chen Keming was diligent and kind, but his life was far from affluent.

One day, while working in the fields, Chen Keming stumbled upon a piece of paper fluttering in the wind. Bending down, he picked it up, surprised to find it was a piece of hell money. Though aware that hell money was meant for ancestral worship, Chen Keming, considering his family's financial struggles, decided to exchange it for some money to assist his family.

Carrying the hell money, Chen Keming went to a local shop. The shopkeeper, upon seeing the hell money, frowned but out of sympathy, still gave Chen Keming some money.

Upon returning home, Chen Keming handed the money to his family, who were all delighted by this unexpected windfall. However, strange occurrences began to unfold in Chen Keming's life from that day onward.

Every night, Chen Keming would have peculiar dreams, haunted by eerie sounds and visions. He began to sense an ominous atmosphere around him, as if something was watching him.

Several days later, Chen Keming sought out an elderly friend, hoping to unravel the mystery. The old man told him that the hell money he had taken might belong to a restless spirit, and now the spirit might be searching for it.

Terrified, Chen Keming regretted exchanging the hell money for money. Determined to rectify his mistake, he decided to return the hell money to its original place and offer prayers to the spirit, hoping to appease the looming disaster.

Days later, Chen Keming had another dream, but this time, it was filled with serenity and peace. Since then, he encountered no further strange occurrences, understanding that hell money was not something meant for mortal hands like his. Henceforth, he held reverence and respect for hell money.