A Comprehensive Overview of Efficacious Talismans

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2024-08-12 01:30:25

A Comprehensive Overview of Efficacious Talismans is an in-depth exploration and introduction to various efficacious talismans, gathering commonly used talismans from Taoism and other traditional beliefs. The book provides detailed descriptions of each talisman’s origins, efficacy, and usage methods, while also combining historical legends and real-life cases to showcase how these talismans have effectively worked in different situations.

This book includes a wide range of Taoist talismans, such as those passed down from the direct disciples of the Celestial Master, printed to honor their late master. Among these, the practical parts of three major talismanic formulas are covered. The book also features talismans like the "Harmony Talisman," mentioned in The Book of Tang: Prince Ti’s Biography, which was used to promote harmony between couples, and others like the "Hunter's Love Charm," designed to help those experiencing unrequited love. In addition, it contains talismans for household protection, ensuring peace, and other related talismanic formulas.

From the referenced editions, we can see that some talismans have been passed down from earlier times, such as the edition published by Dashan Bookstore (author Zhang Zuo'en, published on February 20, 2014, 247 pages), The Transmission of the Supreme Laozi (published by Zhulin Bookstore in 1981), and the Dragon Pool Pavilion Edition (Wenlin Publishing House, February 1965, June 1980).

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The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on different types of talismans, such as those for peace, warding off evil, attracting wealth, and healing. In addition to the methods of drawing these talismans, the book also explains the precautions for using them and how to utilize them in specific rituals to enhance their effectiveness.

A Comprehensive Overview of Efficacious Talismans is not only suitable for readers interested in talismanic culture but also provides a practical guide for those seeking the protection and blessings of talismans in their daily lives. The book explains complex religious symbols and rituals in simple and accessible language, enabling readers to easily understand and apply this ancient wisdom.