The Story of Lin Banxian and Feng Shui

Joined: 2024-06-05 01:44:29
2024-06-07 01:36:49

### The Story of Lin Banxian and Feng Shui

Lin Banxian, whose real name was Lin Zhenxian, was a well-known feng shui master during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty. The story goes that a military general from Fujian dispatched four renowned geomancers to Fengshan in Lin Yuan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, to find a new burial site for his ancestors. Lin Banxian was among these geomancers.

While sailing past Xiaoliuqiu Island, the weather was exceptionally clear, allowing them to see Fengshan, which resembled a phoenix in flight. This auspicious sight marked the beginning of Lin Banxian's lifelong connection with Lin Yuan and Fengshan.

The general's father had once been a poor fisherman in Lin Yuan, struggling to provide for his family. One day, he fell severely ill and, due to poverty, could not afford a coffin. His body was wrapped in a grass mat, placed in a fish basket, and carried to a cave at the base of Fengshan's "phoenix nose" for burial. This cave was considered the end of Fengshan and the most auspicious spot, believed to be the "nostrils" of the phoenix. It was said that a simple burial there would bring good fortune, while a more elaborate one might bring misfortune by "choking" the phoenix.

Fengshan's dragon vein stretched over twenty miles, culminating in this cave. The vein crossed the Taiwan Strait, forming Xiaoliuqiu Island and guarding the water mouths of Gaoping River, Kaohsiung Harbor, Donggang, Linbian, and Fangliao. This strategic positioning ensured rapid prosperity for those buried there.

After the fisherman's death, he left behind a teenage son who was often ridiculed for his scabby head and had to beg for a living. One day, the boy disappeared, only to reappear five years later as a general in Fujian. He sent people to repair his ancestor's grave, intending to move the remains back to the mainland for reburial.

When Lin Banxian and the general's family arrived at the cave, they were astounded by the location's auspiciousness. Lin Banxian warned that disturbing the burial site could bring disaster, but the other geomancers, fearing they would fail their mission, decided to follow the general's original orders. They exhumed the body and prepared to transport it back to the mainland.

Sensing impending doom, Lin Banxian discreetly left the scene. As the group sailed away, a sudden storm arose, sinking the ship and drowning everyone on board, including the remains. The general, meanwhile, fell victim to a plot and was dismissed from his position. On his return to Taiwan, he also perished in a shipwreck.

After these events, Lin Banxian wandered the land, writing down his adventures and leaving behind a legacy of legendary stories.