What Does "Having a Lot of Wealth" in Bazi Mean?

In Bazi (Four Pillars of Destiny) analysis, "having a lot of wealth" means that the element representing wealth is abundant in a person's chart. In Bazi, wealth symbolizes money and material riches. Many people believe that if they have a wealth-heavy Bazi chart, they should be very rich. However, this is not necessarily the case. It simply indicates that the person has the potential and opportunities to acquire wealth more easily than others. But to accumulate wealth, effort and action are required, rather than passively waiting for wealth to come.

What Does It Mean to Have Wealth in Your Destiny?

Regular Wealth (Zheng Cai) Implies

Having regular wealth in your Bazi indicates income from a steady job, typically a salaried position. These individuals are usually mild-mannered, diligent in their work, and meticulous in their daily lives, sometimes to the point of being frugal. The stronger the regular wealth element, the more these individuals care about money, sometimes even at the expense of their own interests, to avoid any loss of wealth. Such people often belong to the stable working class with fixed incomes. If they run a business or a factory, it is usually characterized by small profits but high sales volumes, and the income might not be substantial but enough to maintain the business. Women with a lot of regular wealth in their Bazi are often considered good wives and mothers who support their husbands.

Detailed Explanation of Having a Lot of Wealth in Bazi

Unconventional Wealth (Pian Cai) Implies

People with strong unconventional wealth in their Bazi are generally capable of earning and spending money freely. They tend to be outgoing, generous, excellent communicators, and have a knack for business planning and resource integration. They don't put much emphasis on money, yet they often have good financial luck, with money coming and going quickly. These individuals pursue material luxury, enjoy the moment, and are often involved in speculative ventures. They are usually the elite in urban areas, achieving significant gains whether in business or their careers.

Mixed Wealth Stars Implies

Having both regular and unconventional wealth in one's Bazi indicates a person who enjoys both stable income and unexpected gains, making them financially very fortunate. However, men with excessively strong wealth stars often have a fear of their wives (henpecked). People with strong and mixed wealth stars tend to have poor health, often suffering from chronic illnesses, and might frequently encounter legal or personal disputes over money or women. They are not inclined to study, generally have a lower level of education, and place great importance on money and material possessions. They are willing to sacrifice a lot for wealth, often valuing money over relationships, and tend to indulge in luxury and idleness. Such individuals may either work in low-end jobs or engage in risky ventures to make money. They also have a tendency to bring bad luck to their mothers, who may have poor health and weak bonds with them.