Recently, released a photo claimed to be a "real supernatural shot," which has sparked widespread attention and discussion. This photo was taken at night and features a burning furnace with scattered gold ingots left by the deceased’s family on the ground. The most intriguing part of this picture is the enlarged section, where a fox spirit holding some of the ingots can be seen. This photo has led to numerous speculations and debates about the supernatural. This article will analyze this photo from various perspectives to explore the truth behind it.

Authenticity of Supernatural Phenomena

Supernatural phenomena have always been a controversial topic. The scientific community generally believes that supernatural phenomena lack empirical support, and many so-called supernatural events are often psychological reactions in specific environments or misinterpretations of natural phenomena. From a scientific perspective, the "fox spirit" in this photo is likely an illusion. The interplay of fire and shadows, combined with people's psychological suggestion towards ghost stories, makes it easy for people to see a "fox spirit" in the photo.

Folk Beliefs and Cultural Background

In Chinese traditional culture, the fox spirit holds a special place. Fox spirits are usually considered to be spiritual animals that can transform into human form and possess certain supernatural abilities. Stories and legends about fox spirits are widely circulated in China, especially in rural areas, where many people believe in the existence of fox spirits.

The Existence of Deities: Culture and Belief

Around the world, deities and supernatural phenomena are important parts of culture and belief. In China, fox spirits are seen as spiritual animals that can manifest in the human world and influence people's lives. Such beliefs are rooted in thousands of years of traditional culture, reflecting people's reverence for natural forces and belief in supernatural powers.

The Significance of Supernatural Phenomena

Believing in supernatural phenomena is not just about curiosity for the unknown, but also a quest for the mysteries of life and the universe. Many people believe that supernatural phenomena are signs of deities appearing among us, and messages from the souls of the deceased. For those who have experienced supernatural events, these phenomena often carry deep personal significance and even change their views on life and death.

The Fox Spirit in the Photo

Returning to the photo released by, the image of the fox spirit visible upon magnification makes one ponder whether this is a deity manifesting its presence to us. The scattered gold ingots beside the flames might symbolize the fox spirit protecting the deceased. This interpretation aligns with the traditional image and role of the fox spirit, reinforcing people's belief in supernatural phenomena.

Science and the Supernatural: Not Mutually Exclusive

Although science has different explanations for supernatural phenomena, it does not mean that supernatural phenomena and the existence of deities are mutually exclusive. Science explores the laws and phenomena of the natural world, while supernatural phenomena and deities involve deeper spiritual and belief levels. Believing in supernatural phenomena does not mean denying science, but seeking another possibility and understanding in areas where science cannot explain.


Believing in supernatural phenomena and the existence of deities is a reverence and exploration of the unknown world. Whether from the perspective of cultural beliefs or personal experiences, supernatural phenomena bring profound thoughts and insights to us. When facing these mysterious phenomena, maintaining an open mind and respecting different beliefs and viewpoints may help us better understand the diversity and mystery of this world.

Whether you have personally experienced supernatural events or heard stories from others, believing in the existence of deities allows us to find peace and strength of faith in this complex and ever-changing world.