Since October 7th last year, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has ravaged the Gaza Strip, according to relevant United Nations agencies, this conflict has resulted in the unfortunate deaths of more than 15,000 children. These children lost their lives in the flames of war, their deaths not only caused grief to their families but also brought a heavy psychological burden to the entire community.

According to a statement by the United Nations, most children have experienced severe psychological trauma during the conflict, and their health has deteriorated. These innocent lives were taken away, they were unable to fulfill their mission in this world, which may lead to resentment and unrest. Some may become wandering spirits seeking revenge, and many more may be unable to rest peacefully.

In order to give these departed lives more respect and blessings, some Taoist organizations and individuals have launched the "Palestinian Children's Superde Day" event. The event is scheduled to be held in mid-July at the main venue in Shenzhen and simultaneously at multiple Taoist temples to conduct superde rituals for children and women who lost their lives in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

In an interview with the BBC, a representative of stated: "Superde is not only to give the departed souls peace, but also the responsibility and mission of us Taoist practitioners. We hope that through this event, we can bring some comfort to the children and women who lost their lives in the conflict, and also convey our respect and condolences to the world."

At the same time, the organizers of this event called on the global community to pay attention to this incident and invited volunteers to participate in superde rituals or provide support. More information about the event can be found on the official website or by contacting [email protected].

The hosting of this "War Orphan Superde Day" event will be an important initiative of the international community to pay attention to and console the victims of the Israel-Palestine conflict. It is not only a respect for the departed lives but also a call for peace and humanitarianism.