• “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” Mobile Phone Wallpaper. Digital Νέο
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    Shenzhen, Guangdong. China
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    This “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” mobile phone wallpaper, with its unique design and positive implication, becomes a source of motivation for you to keep moving forward.
    On the wallpaper, the four characters “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” are extremely eye-catching. The font design is magnificent and full of the joy of victory and praise for success. The golden font shines brightly against the background, as if announcing your achievements to the world.
    The background color tones are rich and harmonious, neither ostentatious nor lacking in vitality. It may be a warm orange-yellow tone, giving people hope and motivation; or it may be a calm blue tone, symbolizing calmness and wisdom. No matter which color tone it is, it can perfectly blend with the theme of “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” and create a positive atmosphere.
    This mobile phone wallpaper is not just a decoration, but also a spiritual sustenance. When you encounter difficulties and challenges at work, just a glance at “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” on your phone screen can instantly fill you with strength and continue to strive for your goals. It reminds you that every effort may bring success, and every challenge is an opportunity for growth.
    Whether you are a sales elite, an entrepreneur, or an ordinary office worker, this “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” mobile phone wallpaper can bring you good luck and motivation. It is suitable for various mobile phone models, and is easy and quick to install, instantly giving your phone a new look.
    Let the “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” mobile phone wallpaper accompany you, witness your every success, and inspire you to continuously pursue excellence. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, let us use a positive attitude and firm belief to meet every new challenge and create our own brilliance.
    This “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” mobile phone wallpaper, with its unique design and positive implication, becomes a source of motivation for you to keep moving forward. On the wallpaper, the four characters “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” are extremely eye-catching. The font design is magnificent and full of the joy of victory and praise for success. The golden font shines brightly against the background, as if announcing your achievements to the world. The background color tones are rich and harmonious, neither ostentatious nor lacking in vitality. It may be a warm orange-yellow tone, giving people hope and motivation; or it may be a calm blue tone, symbolizing calmness and wisdom. No matter which color tone it is, it can perfectly blend with the theme of “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” and create a positive atmosphere. This mobile phone wallpaper is not just a decoration, but also a spiritual sustenance. When you encounter difficulties and challenges at work, just a glance at “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” on your phone screen can instantly fill you with strength and continue to strive for your goals. It reminds you that every effort may bring success, and every challenge is an opportunity for growth. Whether you are a sales elite, an entrepreneur, or an ordinary office worker, this “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” mobile phone wallpaper can bring you good luck and motivation. It is suitable for various mobile phone models, and is easy and quick to install, instantly giving your phone a new look. Let the “Congratulations on Closing a Deal” mobile phone wallpaper accompany you, witness your every success, and inspire you to continuously pursue excellence. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, let us use a positive attitude and firm belief to meet every new challenge and create our own brilliance.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 493 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • Ritual for transcending aborted fetuses. Νέο
    Σε απόθεμα
    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
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    Transcending aborted fetuses: If there is an abortion, this must be transcended. If one has deep thoughts and can't forget it, or has doubts or meets in a dream, then it needs to be transcended frequently. In this way, the blessings of the aborted fetus can be increased and it can be reborn in the Pure Land as soon as possible.
    Transcending aborted fetuses: If there is an abortion, this must be transcended. If one has deep thoughts and can't forget it, or has doubts or meets in a dream, then it needs to be transcended frequently. In this way, the blessings of the aborted fetus can be increased and it can be reborn in the Pure Land as soon as possible.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 812 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • Wenchang Dharma Assembly. Νέο
    Σε απόθεμα
    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
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    In life, people cannot do without fame, fortune, and official positions. Whether it's students or professionals in the workplace or in officialdom, if one wants to achieve academic success, noble fame, and a smooth career, they all need the blessing of Wenchang. The God of Wenchang can bless people with smooth examinations, promotions in official positions, wisdom and intelligence, and quick thinking. People worshiping the God of Wenchang can make themselves wise and enlightened, increase knowledge, be able to read and see more, and have a smooth career. At the same time, they hope that the God of Wenchang will bless them, bring good luck, eliminate disasters, resolve difficulties, and dispel misfortunes.
    In life, people cannot do without fame, fortune, and official positions. Whether it's students or professionals in the workplace or in officialdom, if one wants to achieve academic success, noble fame, and a smooth career, they all need the blessing of Wenchang. The God of Wenchang can bless people with smooth examinations, promotions in official positions, wisdom and intelligence, and quick thinking. People worshiping the God of Wenchang can make themselves wise and enlightened, increase knowledge, be able to read and see more, and have a smooth career. At the same time, they hope that the God of Wenchang will bless them, bring good luck, eliminate disasters, resolve difficulties, and dispel misfortunes.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 887 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • Open and replenish the wealth treasury. Νέο
    Σε απόθεμα
    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
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    To replenish the wealth treasury, one must first repay the karmic debts from past lives. If the debts owed are not repaid completely, no matter how much one tries to replenish the treasury, it will never be filled. Seeking wealth must have a source; without a source, it will all be in vain. Opening up wealth paths and creating sources of wealth. The wealth treasury is like a cup. If there is a hole in the cup, it is difficult to retain wealth. Therefore, replenishing the wealth treasury is to achieve perfection in one's wealth. One hopes to have a continuous flow of wealth, a full wealth treasury, and no longer lose money.
    To replenish the wealth treasury, one must first repay the karmic debts from past lives. If the debts owed are not repaid completely, no matter how much one tries to replenish the treasury, it will never be filled. Seeking wealth must have a source; without a source, it will all be in vain. Opening up wealth paths and creating sources of wealth. The wealth treasury is like a cup. If there is a hole in the cup, it is difficult to retain wealth. Therefore, replenishing the wealth treasury is to achieve perfection in one's wealth. One hopes to have a continuous flow of wealth, a full wealth treasury, and no longer lose money.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 902 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • Repay karmic debts from past lives. Νέο
    Σε απόθεμα
    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
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    Before each person is reincarnated, they have to go to the underworld official to borrow money to cultivate their own blessings and wisdom resources. Therefore, after each person is born, they have the blessings of having food to eat, clothes to wear, and money to spend. Therefore, the first karmic debt that a person needs to repay in life is the debt incurred from past live
    Before each person is reincarnated, they have to go to the underworld official to borrow money to cultivate their own blessings and wisdom resources. Therefore, after each person is born, they have the blessings of having food to eat, clothes to wear, and money to spend. Therefore, the first karmic debt that a person needs to repay in life is the debt incurred from past live
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 924 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • 《正一符籙祕法》
    《正一符籙祕法》 玄門道家五術,山、醫、命、相、卜,山以符咒、築基、食餌、拳法、玄典...等,通過方法技術修煉。道教正一派以龍虎山天師道、茅山上清派、閣皁山靈寶派,三派符籙爲主。 符籙書寫於黃紙(布)、紅紙爲主,記錄文字、功用、圖形、符號...等。 符的組成,符冠、符主、符記、符兵、符令、符膽、符基七大部分組成。 符冠又叫符頭,就是代表三清(玉清元始天尊、上清靈寶天尊、太清道德天尊)或三界公(城隍,土地,祖師)的記號,因師承法脈與所請祖仙師的不同,書寫方式各不相同。如書寫三勾代表三清,先書寫中勾,以元始天尊爲首。 特別在書寫符記,有區分到符靈符記、玄門符記、法靈符記,通常沒有光芒的是符靈,有光芒的是法靈。​​ 符是溝通人與神三界、陰陽兩界之本。必策於圓功正果,始生末轉,化鼎世道靈體之三誡三試。 三誡: 靜——靜觀陰陽釋理機。心靜無爲,靈靜有爲。觀陰陽,心靜不動。識陰陽,靈靜有所爲。心靜如止水,靈靜心清明。正識“​靜​”,理尋陰陽脈,機聞世道塵。​ 清——清己蘊宿無塵品。無我我生,有我我無。清世道,浮華攜不至。明界隙,生死一瞬息。無我道世塵,有我世塵道。正視“​清​”,陰陽靈體宗,萬無戎我歸。 定——定呈圓宗冠孤律。靈升體定,靈正體安。定世品,德澤會親宗。呈靈宗,學涯禮三功。靈升昱陰陽,靈正皓世功。正勵“​定​”,勉恭始末一,萬宗圓孤律。​ 三試則是靈主關、師門關、靈師關。經歷過三誡三試,纔可驅動符籙。符籙不可隨便亂畫,否則會出現“畫符不知竅,反惹鬼神笑;畫符若知竅,驚得鬼神叫”。
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 205 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • 套龍虎山法本《龍虎山天師秘訣》共140頁面內容,寄彩色線裝書,有需要請私訊
    套龍虎山法本《龍虎山天師秘訣》共140頁面內容,寄彩色線裝書,有需要請私訊 部分內容有: 天師秘訣,瘟鬼吉凶之日,看掃蕩牒所落何宮分斷,法士變壇掛號帝諱,避瘟符,沈天沒地符,殺G平就符,治瘟釘照符,太歲正形符,釘古墓符,地司起土住痛大法,法官斷後符,雪山退熱加涼符,打哽符諱,打哽骨魚符,地司架上金鐘報犯符,弓箭符形,報犯符,行符忌日,一煞落地府,金丹符,鎮墓符,官符,火後符,九牛符,遺雷法語,天皇絕影符,削影秘訣,對頭貼前符,移標仙法,書符科文,取天罡秘訣,天皇符竟,使者移掇符,使者符竟,天罡剪法,掇影旗布上符,五方雲籙符,玄壇頒降掇影大法,火師汪真人摘影大法,三十六雷將前工夫,架天罡法,靈官大法,拷邪檄符,王帥符,馬天君符秘,玄壇九牛破禁符,離宮符,坎宮符,中央符,上中下元符,五猖符,馬子真符,太歲百觧符等等……
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 151 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • 道法自然八卦背包 #道法自然八卦背包
    道法自然八卦背包 #道法自然八卦背包
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 321 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση
  • 如何通过社交媒体成功把冥币卖到非洲市场:Taoers的AI软文营销策略
    在全球化的今天,电子商务让世界各地的产品互通有无。冥币,这一中国传统的特殊商品,借助数字化营销,成功走进了非洲市场并取得了显著的成绩。本文将分享Taoers团队如何利用AI生成软文,结合非洲文化和心理,通过shop.taoers.com平台,将冥币推广到非洲,最终实现销量暴涨的经验。 冥币在非洲爆单 困境与转机:从无单到社交媒体宣传 Taoers刚开始通过shop.taoers.com在非洲上线了冥币的阿拉伯语版页面,但首月却几乎没有订单。经过深入市场分析,Taoers发现单靠产品上线远远不够。非洲市场,尤其是阿拉伯语国家,对文化背景和故事性的接受度较高,简单的产品描述无法引起消费者的兴趣。...
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 603 Views 0 Προεπισκόπηση