"Ritual for Children Victims of War" ceremony.
19 Juin 10:06 AM À 20 Juin 10:05 AM
Since October 7th of last year, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has raged in the Gaza Strip. According to incomplete statistics, this conflict has resulted in the tragic loss of over 15,000 children. In order to offer more prayers for these lost young lives and help them escape suffering, the International Taoist Organization, Taoers.com, has commissioned a renowned Taoist temple in Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan, to hold a "Ritual for Children Victims of War" ceremony. This charitable event will take place on June 19, 2024. Families of the deceased children can register their children's information for free at taoers.com. More information about the event can be found on the taoers.com website or by contacting the official email [email protected].
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  • "Ritual for Children Victims of War" ceremony https://form.taoers.com/forms/survey/RK4mVoBDbDxbl2EONvnG
    "Ritual for Children Victims of War" ceremony https://form.taoers.com/forms/survey/RK4mVoBDbDxbl2EONvnG
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    #TaoistRitual #WarVictims #ChildRemembrance #Taoism #CharityEvent #QingchengMountain #InternationalTaoistOrganization #PeacePrayers #TaoersCom
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  • #TaoistRitual #WarVictims #ChildRemembrance #Taoism #CharityEvent #QingchengMountain #InternationalTaoistOrganization #PeacePrayers #TaoersCom
    #TaoistRitual #WarVictims #ChildRemembrance #Taoism #CharityEvent #QingchengMountain #InternationalTaoistOrganization #PeacePrayers #TaoersCom
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  • The Taoist ritual for transcending children is filled with compassion for the deceased and comfort for the living. Through solemn and respectful ceremonies, Taoist priests use profound religious wisdom and faith to offer a gesture of mercy and care to children who have passed away prematurely. Transcendence is not just a religious ritual; it is also a form of spiritual solace and hope for life.

    We hope this article helps you understand the Taoist ritual for transcending children. For specific needs, please consult your local Taoist temple or priest for professional guidance.
    The Taoist ritual for transcending children is filled with compassion for the deceased and comfort for the living. Through solemn and respectful ceremonies, Taoist priests use profound religious wisdom and faith to offer a gesture of mercy and care to children who have passed away prematurely. Transcendence is not just a religious ritual; it is also a form of spiritual solace and hope for life. We hope this article helps you understand the Taoist ritual for transcending children. For specific needs, please consult your local Taoist temple or priest for professional guidance.
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  • Impact of the Ritual
    The transcendence ritual not only brings peace to the deceased but also helps the living to cope with grief and transform sorrow. Additionally, the ritual promotes Taoist values of compassion and altruism, fostering social harmony and family unity.
    Impact of the Ritual The transcendence ritual not only brings peace to the deceased but also helps the living to cope with grief and transform sorrow. Additionally, the ritual promotes Taoist values of compassion and altruism, fostering social harmony and family unity.
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  • Post-Ritual Practices
    After the ceremony, the family should continue to perform good deeds and accumulate merit to reinforce the effects of the transcendence. Taoism advocates for virtuous actions such as donations, helping others, and releasing captive animals to accumulate blessings and pray for the deceased.
    Post-Ritual Practices After the ceremony, the family should continue to perform good deeds and accumulate merit to reinforce the effects of the transcendence. Taoism advocates for virtuous actions such as donations, helping others, and releasing captive animals to accumulate blessings and pray for the deceased.
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  • Steps of the Transcendence Ritual
    Purifying the Altar: The priest purifies the altar to ensure a clean environment free from evil spirits.
    Inviting Deities: Through chanting and prayers, the priest invites heavenly deities and various spirits to protect and bless the ceremony.
    Chanting Scriptures and Incantations: The priest recites scriptures like the "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Rescue Sutra" and the "Jade Emperor Sutra," praying for divine mercy to transcend the soul.
    Setting Up the Seven Offerings: Seven offerings, namely incense, flowers, candles, ointments, fruits, tea, and rice, are presented to honor and mourn the deceased.
    Performing the Transcendence Ritual: The priest, using ritual instruments, performs the ceremony through drawing talismans, chanting incantations, and beating drums to transcend the soul and resolve grievances.
    Burning Paper Money: Paper money, gold, and silver ingots are burned to ensure the deceased are well-provided for in the afterlife.
    Dedication of Merit: The merits from the ceremony are dedicated to the deceased, praying for their swift release from suffering and rebirth in a better realm.
    Steps of the Transcendence Ritual Purifying the Altar: The priest purifies the altar to ensure a clean environment free from evil spirits. Inviting Deities: Through chanting and prayers, the priest invites heavenly deities and various spirits to protect and bless the ceremony. Chanting Scriptures and Incantations: The priest recites scriptures like the "Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Rescue Sutra" and the "Jade Emperor Sutra," praying for divine mercy to transcend the soul. Setting Up the Seven Offerings: Seven offerings, namely incense, flowers, candles, ointments, fruits, tea, and rice, are presented to honor and mourn the deceased. Performing the Transcendence Ritual: The priest, using ritual instruments, performs the ceremony through drawing talismans, chanting incantations, and beating drums to transcend the soul and resolve grievances. Burning Paper Money: Paper money, gold, and silver ingots are burned to ensure the deceased are well-provided for in the afterlife. Dedication of Merit: The merits from the ceremony are dedicated to the deceased, praying for their swift release from suffering and rebirth in a better realm.
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  • Preparations for the Ritual
    Choosing an Auspicious Day: Taoist priests select a suitable day according to the Taoist calendar to ensure the ceremony proceeds smoothly.
    Setting up the Altar: An altar is set up at home or in a temple, with offerings such as incense, flowers, candles, fruits, and cakes.
    Preparing Ritual Instruments: Priests prepare necessary ritual instruments, including swords, bells, seals, and talismans.
    Preparations for the Ritual Choosing an Auspicious Day: Taoist priests select a suitable day according to the Taoist calendar to ensure the ceremony proceeds smoothly. Setting up the Altar: An altar is set up at home or in a temple, with offerings such as incense, flowers, candles, fruits, and cakes. Preparing Ritual Instruments: Priests prepare necessary ritual instruments, including swords, bells, seals, and talismans.
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  • The Special Significance of Transcending Children
    Children, being young and pure-hearted, have souls untainted by worldly sins. Taoism holds that the early death of a child is often due to unfulfilled karma or predetermined fate. Therefore, transcending children is particularly important to comfort their souls, relieve grievances, and assist in their peaceful rebirth.
    The Special Significance of Transcending Children Children, being young and pure-hearted, have souls untainted by worldly sins. Taoism holds that the early death of a child is often due to unfulfilled karma or predetermined fate. Therefore, transcending children is particularly important to comfort their souls, relieve grievances, and assist in their peaceful rebirth.
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