The Feng Shui Legend of Good and Evil Retribution

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2024-06-07 01:38:52

### The Feng Shui Legend of Good and Evil Retribution

Long ago, there was a farmer named Wang En who was not content with just farming. He was always looking for ways to get rich but had no idea how to go about it. One day, he heard about a feng shui master who had helped many people become wealthy. Wang En decided to seek out this master and asked him to find a feng shui location that would bring him great wealth.

The feng shui master was initially reluctant and said, “Good feng shui cannot be easily divulged. Revealing heavenly secrets could cost me my eyesight.” Wang En knelt before the master and vowed, “If you go blind because you help me find a good feng shui spot, I will treat you like my own father and take care of you for the rest of your life.” The master, seeing Wang En's sincerity, finally agreed to help him.

The master searched many places and finally brought Wang En to a stone cliff. He told Wang En, “Across the river from this cliff is an excellent location. If you build your home there, you will surely become wealthy.” Wang En followed the master’s instructions and built his house at the designated spot. Sure enough, in a few years, he became very rich. Unfortunately, the feng shui master indeed lost his sight.

Wang En began to think, “Why should I take care of a blind man for free? It’s not worth it.” He started to treat the master harshly, forcing him to grind grain every day and beating him if he slowed down. The master lamented, “I can read the feng shui of the land, but I cannot see through a person’s heart.”

Several years passed, and the master’s apprentice came to visit him. Seeing his master’s miserable condition, the apprentice embraced him and cried, “Master, you have done so much good in your life. How can such a good person not be rewarded?” The master comforted his apprentice, saying, “Do not be sad. I will teach you a way to ensure that good and evil are rewarded appropriately.”

One day, the apprentice went to Wang En’s house. Upon seeing Wang En, he exclaimed, “Ah, this is truly a feng shui treasure!” Wang En, feeling proud, asked, “Do you understand feng shui too?” The apprentice replied, “If you carve three holes into the stone cliff opposite, it will be like giving eyes and a mouth to the dragon. This will bring even greater fortune and ensure your descendants become high-ranking officials.” Wang En believed the apprentice and was overjoyed. He immediately hired stonemasons to carve the three holes. As soon as the holes were completed, a pair of white cranes flew out from the cliff and disappeared.

From that day on, nothing went right for Wang En. His fortunes declined, and within a few years, he was destitute. Meanwhile, the feng shui master regained his sight.

To this day, if you travel along the road from Daqiao to Shengzhong Reservoir in Nanbu County, Sichuan Province, you can still see the three holes in the stone cliff. They stand as a reminder to all: to be grateful and repay kindness, as the ungrateful will eventually face retribution. Good and evil will ultimately be rewarded, as there are always divine beings watching over from above.