Write taboo characters. 新增功能
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.
0 Reviews
In some historical periods and cultural contexts, writing taboo characters was often due to respect for certain authorities or ancestors. For example, in ancient times, to show reverence for the emperor and ancestors, people would avoid directly writing their names and use substitute characters or special ways of writing. This was a way to express deference and maintain social order and traditional values. Additionally, in some religious or superstitious beliefs, certain characters might be considered taboo for spiritual reasons, and writing them in a specific way was believed to have certain implications or avoid negative consequences.
Product size:7*11
In some historical periods and cultural contexts, writing taboo characters was often due to respect for certain authorities or ancestors. For example, in ancient times, to show reverence for the emperor and ancestors, people would avoid directly writing their names and use substitute characters or special ways of writing. This was a way to express deference and maintain social order and traditional values. Additionally, in some religious or superstitious beliefs, certain characters might be considered taboo for spiritual reasons, and writing them in a specific way was believed to have certain implications or avoid negative consequences. Product size:7*11
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