• What about the tao te ching? #taoteching #taoers
    The Tao Te Ching (道德經), also spelled Dao De Jing, is a fundamental text for both philosophical and religious Taoism. It is traditionally attributed to Laozi (老子), a sage reputed to have lived in the 6th century BCE, although the actual date of its composition and authorship is a matter of scholarly debate. Here are some key points about the Tao Te Ching: Structure: The text is composed of 81...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3731 Views 0 önizleme
  • "战争遇难儿童超度日"法事在四川青城山隆重举行
    2024年6月19日,四川青城山的知名道观迎来了一个充满庄严和慈悲的日子——“战争遇难儿童超度日”。此次法事活动由国际道教组织Taoers.com主办,并得到相关巴勒斯坦慈善组织的协办,旨在为在巴以冲突中不幸丧生的儿童进行祈福。   自去年10月7日以来,巴以冲突在加沙地带不断升级,战火无情地吞噬了无数无辜的生命。据不完全统计,这场冲突已导致超过15000名儿童失去宝贵的生命。这些儿童原本应该在父母的呵护下,享受无忧无虑的童年,却在战乱中失去了生存的权利和希望。为了给这些逝去的小生命更多的祈福,并希望他们的灵魂能够安息,Taoers.com委托四川青城山的道观举行了这场特别的超度法事。...
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  • Analyzing the "Real Supernatural Photo" from taoers.com: The Truth Behind the Fox Spirit
    Recently, taoers.com released a photo claimed to be a "real supernatural shot," which has sparked widespread attention and discussion. This photo was taken at night and features a burning furnace with scattered gold ingots left by the deceased’s family on the ground. The most intriguing part of this picture is the enlarged section, where a fox spirit holding some of the ingots can be...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4309 Views 0 önizleme
  • Is God a Taoist?
    Is God a Taoist? Raymond M. Smullyan, 1977 Mortal:   And therefore, O God, I pray thee, if thou hast one ounce of mercy for this thy suffering creature, absolve me of having to have free will! God:   You reject the greatest gift I have given thee? Mortal:   How can you call that which was forced on me a gift? I have free will, but not of my own...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4493 Views 0 önizleme
  • Taoers.com Launches "War Orphan Superde Day" Event
    Since October 7th last year, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has ravaged the Gaza Strip, according to relevant United Nations agencies, this conflict has resulted in the unfortunate deaths of more than 15,000 children. These children lost their lives in the flames of war, their deaths not only caused grief to their families but also brought a heavy psychological burden to the entire...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4827 Views 0 önizleme
  • Taoers.com 发起“战争遇难儿童超度日”活动
    自去年10月7日以来,巴以冲突在加沙地带肆虐,据联合国相关机构透露,这场冲突已导致15000多名儿童不幸丧生。这些儿童在战火中失去了生命,他们的死亡不仅造成了家庭的悲痛,也给整个社区带来了沉重的心理负担。 根据联合国的声明,大多数儿童在冲突中经历了严重的心理创伤,他们的健康状况也日益恶化。这些无辜的生命被夺走,他们未能完成在这个世界上的使命,这可能导致他们心怀怨恨,无法得到安息。一些人可能成为婴灵报复,而更多的可能无法安然轮回。   为了给这些逝去的生命以更多的尊重和祈福,一些道教组织和人士发起了“巴勒斯坦儿童超度日”活动。该活动计划于7月中旬在深圳主会场以及多个道观同时举办超度法事,为在巴以冲突中失去生命的儿童和妇女祈福超度。...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4229 Views 0 önizleme
  • Taoers上的冥幣熱銷的秘密:開光賦予福報,為後人積福
    Taoers上的冥幣熱銷的秘密:開光賦予福報,為後人積福 在現代社會中,隨著生活節奏的加快,人們越來越重視精神上的寄託和心靈的安慰。在這樣的背景下,Taoers這個平台上的冥幣產品近來引起了廣泛關注,成為了許多人心目中最受歡迎的購買選擇。那麼,為什麼Taoers上的冥幣如此熱銷呢? 首先,這些冥幣並非普通的紙錢,而是經過專業大師開光的特殊冥幣。開光是一種傳統儀式,通常由德高望重的宗教人士或風水大師進行。這個過程不僅是為物品賦予靈性和能量,更是為購買者提供一種心靈上的安慰和保障。在Taoers上購買的冥幣,每一張都經過了精心的開光儀式,使其具有更高的靈力和福氣。...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1520 Views 0 önizleme
  • Taoers平台的盈利模式解析:如何通过道教文化实现多元化收益
    在全球文化传播的浪潮下,道教作为中国古老的哲学和宗教信仰,逐渐受到国际市场的关注。Taoers作为道教文化的综合性平台,结合了知识付费、商品销售、社区互动以及专业服务,为用户和服务商提供了多样化的赚钱机会。本文将详细解析Taoers平台的四大盈利模式,展示如何通过道教文化和服务实现财富增值。 1. 知识付费:提供专业道教知识,获得打赏与佣金 Taoers通过知识付费的方式,将道教的深厚文化知识和信仰理念转化为实际收益。平台上聚集了大量道教专家和学者,他们每日向用户提供专业的道教知识讲解、人生哲理解析,以及修行心得分享。这些知识不仅帮助用户更好地理解道教文化,还为平台用户提供了一种精神上的启迪和安慰。...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1164 Views 0 önizleme
  • What is Taoism?
    Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion that emphasizes harmony with nature and the universe. The core concept of Taoism is the "Tao," which means "the way" or "the path." It is a fundamental principle of the cosmos that promotes effortless action, naturalness, and the pursuit of longevity and spiritual immortality. Taoist classics, such as the "Tao Te Ching" and the "Zhuangzi,"...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4237 Views 0 önizleme
  • What to Do if You See a Ghost?
    Seeing a ghost can be a frightening and unsettling experience. Here are some steps you can take if you encounter what you believe to be a ghost: Stay Calm: Try to remain calm and composed. Fear can cloud your judgment and make the situation seem worse than it is. Observe: Take note of the ghost's appearance, actions, and any other details. This information might help you understand what...
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 4199 Views 0 önizleme
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