• Do Taoists ever pray? If so, to whom would they pray?
    Do Taoists ever pray? If so, to whom would they pray? https://www.quora.com/Do-Taoists-ever-pray-If-so-to-whom-would-they-pray/answer/System-Home-1?prompt_topic_bio=1 #taoists #taoers   In Taoism, prayer is a form of communication with deities, spirits, or various Taoist gods. Unlike some Western religions that pray to a singular deity, Taoist prayers are directed towards multiple...
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  • Is God a Taoist?
    Is God a Taoist? Raymond M. Smullyan, 1977 Mortal:   And therefore, O God, I pray thee, if thou hast one ounce of mercy for this thy suffering creature, absolve me of having to have free will! God:   You reject the greatest gift I have given thee? Mortal:   How can you call that which was forced on me a gift? I have free will, but not of my own...
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  • Taoers.com Launches "War Orphan Superde Day" Event
    Since October 7th last year, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has ravaged the Gaza Strip, according to relevant United Nations agencies, this conflict has resulted in the unfortunate deaths of more than 15,000 children. These children lost their lives in the flames of war, their deaths not only caused grief to their families but also brought a heavy psychological burden to the entire...
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  • Taoers.com 发起“战争遇难儿童超度日”活动
    自去年10月7日以来,巴以冲突在加沙地带肆虐,据联合国相关机构透露,这场冲突已导致15000多名儿童不幸丧生。这些儿童在战火中失去了生命,他们的死亡不仅造成了家庭的悲痛,也给整个社区带来了沉重的心理负担。 根据联合国的声明,大多数儿童在冲突中经历了严重的心理创伤,他们的健康状况也日益恶化。这些无辜的生命被夺走,他们未能完成在这个世界上的使命,这可能导致他们心怀怨恨,无法得到安息。一些人可能成为婴灵报复,而更多的可能无法安然轮回。   为了给这些逝去的生命以更多的尊重和祈福,一些道教组织和人士发起了“巴勒斯坦儿童超度日”活动。该活动计划于7月中旬在深圳主会场以及多个道观同时举办超度法事,为在巴以冲突中失去生命的儿童和妇女祈福超度。...
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  • What to Do if You See a Ghost?
    Seeing a ghost can be a frightening and unsettling experience. Here are some steps you can take if you encounter what you believe to be a ghost: Stay Calm: Try to remain calm and composed. Fear can cloud your judgment and make the situation seem worse than it is. Observe: Take note of the ghost's appearance, actions, and any other details. This information might help you understand what...
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  • What will you do if a ghost comes and stands in front of you?
    I usually speak to them. I try to find out who they are, why they’re there, and what they might want. Then, if I can, I try to help them. That’s because if a ghost shows up it’s usually because they need or want something. Of course, there are always the pranksters (those spirits who enjoy creating a little havoc now and then), but for the most part, a spirit only expends all...
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  • Why there’s nothing to fear during the Hungry Ghost Festival
    In Hong Kong, Singapore, and many other places that celebrate the Hungry Ghost Festival each August, the streets undergo a transformation as people leave out offerings of incense, burnt paper money, fruit and biscuits. While the festival is often seen as a frightening month when restless souls roam our world, Lee Chee Tong, a Taoist priest based in Singapore, offers a deeper understanding of...
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  • 如何成功向外国人推广道教书籍:文化传播与收藏的双重力量
    随着全球化的发展,中国的传统文化正在被越来越多的外国人所了解和接受。道教作为中国古老的哲学体系和宗教信仰,其核心思想和文化底蕴吸引了众多外国爱好者。本文将分享我是如何通过普及道教知识,并将道教书籍推广给外国消费者的经验,尤其是如何让他们从收藏与信仰的角度去理解和接受道教书籍。 1. 道教书籍的文化价值与收藏意义 在向外国人推广道教书籍时,首先需要强调其深厚的文化背景和收藏价值。许多外国读者并不是单纯为了阅读而购买道教书籍,更多的是出于对东方文化的兴趣和收藏的热情。他们将这些书籍视为艺术品、文化符号,甚至是精神传承的象征。 道教书籍不仅是宗教典籍,更是中国古代哲学和思想的结晶。外国收藏家们通常被这种厚重的历史感和文化内涵吸引,因此在宣传时,突出道教书籍的稀有性、历史性和文化象征意义至关重要。这些书籍往往具有独特的排版、印刷风格,甚至装帧设计本身就能成为一件值得收藏的艺术品。 2....
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