• Shock! Can charm and talisman water cure diseases? 震惊!符咒水能治病?
    Shock! Can charm and talisman water cure diseases? 震惊!符咒水能治病? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USGPOt2XNHI
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  • 考道士证需具备拥护中国共产党领导,拥护社会主义制度;应自觉维护社会安定和民族团结,爱国爱教,遵纪守法,积极参加社会主义两个文明建设;皈依“道、经、师”三宝,有正一法派师承关系,信仰纯正;能背诵“祖师宝诰”和早晚功课经;能从事正一派日常坛醮仪典;能遵守正一派规戒。
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  • #taolist #taoers Taoist rites typically refer to a series of religious ceremonies and rituals conducted in Taoist temples or households. These rites have a long history and aim to pray for divine blessings, peace, and prosperity for oneself, family, and community. Here is an overview of common Taoist rites and services:

    Ancestral Worship Ceremony (Jìsì Yíshì): An important part of Taoist rites involves worshiping ancestors and deities. Offerings such as food, drinks, and other items are presented to pray for the blessings and protection of ancestors and deities.

    Consecration Ceremony (Kāiguāng Yíshì): In this ceremony, Taoist priests or priests consecrate objects, buildings, or places through a series of prayers and rituals to invite divine blessings and auspiciousness.

    Spirit Pacification Ceremony (Ānlíng Yíshì): This ceremony is conducted to pacify spirits and bring peace to the deceased, ensuring they find peace in the afterlife.

    Divination (Qiúqiān Zhānbǔ): Divination through oracle casting is common in Taoism for seeking guidance and answers. Bamboo sticks or pieces of paper are used for divination, and decisions or actions are made based on the results.

    Taoist Wedding Ceremony (Dàojiào Hūnlǐ): A Taoist wedding is a special rite to pray for the happiness and longevity of the newlyweds. The couple receives blessings and teachings from a Taoist priest, followed by a series of blessing rituals.

    Taoist Festivals (Dàojiào Qìngdiǎn): Important festivals such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival are also part of Taoist rites. During these festivals, people conduct worship, blessings, and celebratory activities to pray for auspiciousness and good fortune.
    #taolist #taoers Taoist rites typically refer to a series of religious ceremonies and rituals conducted in Taoist temples or households. These rites have a long history and aim to pray for divine blessings, peace, and prosperity for oneself, family, and community. Here is an overview of common Taoist rites and services: Ancestral Worship Ceremony (Jìsì Yíshì): An important part of Taoist rites involves worshiping ancestors and deities. Offerings such as food, drinks, and other items are presented to pray for the blessings and protection of ancestors and deities. Consecration Ceremony (Kāiguāng Yíshì): In this ceremony, Taoist priests or priests consecrate objects, buildings, or places through a series of prayers and rituals to invite divine blessings and auspiciousness. Spirit Pacification Ceremony (Ānlíng Yíshì): This ceremony is conducted to pacify spirits and bring peace to the deceased, ensuring they find peace in the afterlife. Divination (Qiúqiān Zhānbǔ): Divination through oracle casting is common in Taoism for seeking guidance and answers. Bamboo sticks or pieces of paper are used for divination, and decisions or actions are made based on the results. Taoist Wedding Ceremony (Dàojiào Hūnlǐ): A Taoist wedding is a special rite to pray for the happiness and longevity of the newlyweds. The couple receives blessings and teachings from a Taoist priest, followed by a series of blessing rituals. Taoist Festivals (Dàojiào Qìngdiǎn): Important festivals such as the Spring Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival are also part of Taoist rites. During these festivals, people conduct worship, blessings, and celebratory activities to pray for auspiciousness and good fortune.
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  • #道教法事 道教法事通常指的是在道观或者家庭中进行的一系列宗教仪式和祭祀活动。这些法事有着悠久的历史,旨在祈祷神灵保佑、祈求平安吉祥、祈福家人和社区。以下是一些常见的道教法事内容和服务简介:

    祭祀仪式(Jìsì Yíshì):祭祀祖先和神灵是道教法事的重要组成部分。在这种仪式中,会献上食物、酒水和其他供品,祈求祖先和神灵的庇佑和保佑。

    开光仪式(Kāiguāng Yíshì):在这种仪式中,道士或者祭司会通过一系列的祈祷和仪式,为物品、建筑物或者其他场所祈求神灵的加持和保佑,以带来好运和吉祥。

    安灵仪式(Ānlíng Yíshì):这是一种用来安抚亡灵的仪式,旨在帮助已故的家人或者祖先获得平安和安宁,以便他们在来世得到善终。

    求签占卜(Qiúqiān Zhānbǔ):在道教中,人们常常通过求签占卜来寻求指引和答案。在这个仪式中,会用竹签或者纸条进行占卜,然后根据占卜结果来做出相应的决定或者行动。

    道教婚礼(Dàojiào Hūnlǐ):道教婚礼是一种特殊的法事,旨在祈求新人幸福美满、婚姻长久。在这个仪式中,新人会接受道士的祝福和教诲,然后举行一系列祈福的仪式。

    道教庆典(Dàojiào Qìngdiǎn):一些重要的节日和庆典也是道教法事的一部分,例如春节、中秋节等。在这些庆典中,人们会进行祭祀、祈福和庆祝活动,以此来祈求吉祥和好运。

    Buy Now:https://taoers.com/shop/product/34/worshiping-dou
    #道教法事 道教法事通常指的是在道观或者家庭中进行的一系列宗教仪式和祭祀活动。这些法事有着悠久的历史,旨在祈祷神灵保佑、祈求平安吉祥、祈福家人和社区。以下是一些常见的道教法事内容和服务简介: 祭祀仪式(Jìsì Yíshì):祭祀祖先和神灵是道教法事的重要组成部分。在这种仪式中,会献上食物、酒水和其他供品,祈求祖先和神灵的庇佑和保佑。 开光仪式(Kāiguāng Yíshì):在这种仪式中,道士或者祭司会通过一系列的祈祷和仪式,为物品、建筑物或者其他场所祈求神灵的加持和保佑,以带来好运和吉祥。 安灵仪式(Ānlíng Yíshì):这是一种用来安抚亡灵的仪式,旨在帮助已故的家人或者祖先获得平安和安宁,以便他们在来世得到善终。 求签占卜(Qiúqiān Zhānbǔ):在道教中,人们常常通过求签占卜来寻求指引和答案。在这个仪式中,会用竹签或者纸条进行占卜,然后根据占卜结果来做出相应的决定或者行动。 道教婚礼(Dàojiào Hūnlǐ):道教婚礼是一种特殊的法事,旨在祈求新人幸福美满、婚姻长久。在这个仪式中,新人会接受道士的祝福和教诲,然后举行一系列祈福的仪式。 道教庆典(Dàojiào Qìngdiǎn):一些重要的节日和庆典也是道教法事的一部分,例如春节、中秋节等。在这些庆典中,人们会进行祭祀、祈福和庆祝活动,以此来祈求吉祥和好运。 Buy Now:https://taoers.com/shop/product/34/worshiping-dou
    Worshiping Dou - Taoers
    Worshiping Dou is a traditional Taoist belief ceremony in the stars, and it is also a unique Taoist ritual for praying for blessings and eliminating disasters. It originates from people's worship of the stars, especially the Big Dipper and the South Dipper. In Taoist beliefs, the Big Dipper is in charge of eliminating disasters and relieving adversity, and the South Dipper is responsible for extending life and blessing. Therefore, worshiping Dou is regarded as a scientific ritual for eliminating disasters and relieving adversity, praying for blessings and prolonging life, also known as the Chaozhen ritual Dou.
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  • 全球华人道教协会
    #道教协会 #道教法事 #taoers
    全球华人道教协会 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1215294023179294 #道教协会 #道教法事 #taoers
    See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
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    全球华人道教联盟官方网站 taoers.com 脸书社交群组 https://www.facebook.com/groups/taoers #taoers
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