• #taolism #taolist #daolism #taoers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=och6jpY14Uw
    #taolism #taolist #daolism #taoers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=och6jpY14Uw
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  • Taoers.com 发起“战争遇难儿童超度日”活动
    自去年10月7日以来,巴以冲突在加沙地带肆虐,据联合国相关机构透露,这场冲突已导致15000多名儿童不幸丧生。这些儿童在战火中失去了生命,他们的死亡不仅造成了家庭的悲痛,也给整个社区带来了沉重的心理负担。 根据联合国的声明,大多数儿童在冲突中经历了严重的心理创伤,他们的健康状况也日益恶化。这些无辜的生命被夺走,他们未能完成在这个世界上的使命,这可能导致他们心怀怨恨,无法得到安息。一些人可能成为婴灵报复,而更多的可能无法安然轮回。   为了给这些逝去的生命以更多的尊重和祈福,一些道教组织和人士发起了“巴勒斯坦儿童超度日”活动。该活动计划于7月中旬在深圳主会场以及多个道观同时举办超度法事,为在巴以冲突中失去生命的儿童和妇女祈福超度。...
    0 评论 0 股票 4177 视图 0 Reviews
  • Taoers.com Launches "War Orphan Superde Day" Event
    Since October 7th last year, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has ravaged the Gaza Strip, according to relevant United Nations agencies, this conflict has resulted in the unfortunate deaths of more than 15,000 children. These children lost their lives in the flames of war, their deaths not only caused grief to their families but also brought a heavy psychological burden to the entire...
    0 评论 0 股票 4776 视图 0 Reviews
  • تاويرز.كوم تطلق "يوم تجاوز أطفال الحرب" حدثاً
    تاويرز.كوم تطلق "يوم تجاوز أطفال الحرب" حدثاً منذ السابع من أكتوبر العام الماضي، طالت الصراعات بين إسرائيل وفلسطين قطاع غزة، وفقًا لوكالات الأمم المتحدة ذات الصلة، أسفرت هذه الصراعات عن وفاة أكثر من 15,000 طفل بطريقة مؤسفة. فقد هؤلاء الأطفال حياتهم في ألسنة الحرب، لم تكن وفاتهم سببًا في حزن عائلاتهم فحسب، بل أحضروا عبء نفسي ثقيلًا للغاية على المجتمع بأسره. وفقًا لبيان للأمم المتحدة، مرت أغلب...
    0 评论 0 股票 3124 视图 0 Reviews
  • #breaking 自去年10月7日以来,巴以冲突在加沙地带肆虐。据联合国相关机构透露,这场冲突已导致15000多名儿童不幸丧生。这些儿童在战火中失去了生命。为了给这些逝去的生命更多的尊重和祈福,一些道教组织和人士发起了“巴勒斯坦儿童超度日”活动。


    同时,他们也呼吁全球关注这一事件,并邀请有意愿参与超度法事或提供相关支持的人士或组织与他们联系。更多关于活动的信息可通过 taoers.com 官网查询或联系官方邮箱 [email protected]
    #breaking 自去年10月7日以来,巴以冲突在加沙地带肆虐。据联合国相关机构透露,这场冲突已导致15000多名儿童不幸丧生。这些儿童在战火中失去了生命。为了给这些逝去的生命更多的尊重和祈福,一些道教组织和人士发起了“巴勒斯坦儿童超度日”活动。 活动发起人代表表示:“超度不仅仅是为了使逝去的灵魂得到安息,更是我们道教从业人士的责任和使命。我们希望通过这一活动,能够为那些在冲突中失去生命的儿童和妇女带来一点安慰,并向世界传递我们对他们的尊重和哀思。” 同时,他们也呼吁全球关注这一事件,并邀请有意愿参与超度法事或提供相关支持的人士或组织与他们联系。更多关于活动的信息可通过 taoers.com 官网查询或联系官方邮箱 [email protected]
    0 评论 0 股票 2915 视图 0 Reviews
  • Since October 7th last year, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has been raging in the Gaza Strip. According to relevant United Nations agencies, this conflict has tragically resulted in the deaths of over 15,000 children. These children lost their lives in the flames of war. In order to give these departed lives more respect and blessings, some Taoist organizations and individuals have initiated the "Palestinian Children's Superde Day" event.

    A representative of the event organizers stated, "Superde is not only to give the departed souls peace, but also the responsibility and mission of us Taoist practitioners. We hope that through this event, we can bring some comfort to the children and women who lost their lives in the conflict, and convey our respect and condolences to the world."

    At the same time, they are also calling for global attention to this event and inviting individuals or organizations willing to participate in superde rituals or provide related support to contact them. More information about the event can be found on the taoers.com official website or by contacting the official email [email protected].
    #taoers #道教法事 #道教活动 #超度 #法事 #Taoistrituals #taolism #daolism
    Since October 7th last year, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has been raging in the Gaza Strip. According to relevant United Nations agencies, this conflict has tragically resulted in the deaths of over 15,000 children. These children lost their lives in the flames of war. In order to give these departed lives more respect and blessings, some Taoist organizations and individuals have initiated the "Palestinian Children's Superde Day" event. A representative of the event organizers stated, "Superde is not only to give the departed souls peace, but also the responsibility and mission of us Taoist practitioners. We hope that through this event, we can bring some comfort to the children and women who lost their lives in the conflict, and convey our respect and condolences to the world." At the same time, they are also calling for global attention to this event and inviting individuals or organizations willing to participate in superde rituals or provide related support to contact them. More information about the event can be found on the taoers.com official website or by contacting the official email [email protected]. #taoers #道教法事 #道教活动 #超度 #法事 #Taoistrituals #taolism #daolism
    0 评论 0 股票 6689 视图 0 Reviews
  • The conflict between Israel and Palestine has raged in the Gaza Strip since October 7th of last year. According to incomplete statistics, this conflict has resulted in the tragic loss of over 15,000 children. To offer more prayers for these lost young lives and help them escape suffering, the International Taoist Organization, Taoers.com, has commissioned a renowned Taoist temple in Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan, to hold a "Taoist Ritual for Children Victims of War" ceremony. This charitable event will take place on June 19, 2024. Families of the deceased children can register their children's information for free at taoers.com. More information about the event can be found on the taoers.com website or by contacting the official email [email protected].

    #TaoistRitual #WarVictims #Children #GazaConflict #Taoism #CharityEvent #PrayersForPeace #InternationalTaoistOrganization #QingchengMountain #MemorialCeremony
    The conflict between Israel and Palestine has raged in the Gaza Strip since October 7th of last year. According to incomplete statistics, this conflict has resulted in the tragic loss of over 15,000 children. To offer more prayers for these lost young lives and help them escape suffering, the International Taoist Organization, Taoers.com, has commissioned a renowned Taoist temple in Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan, to hold a "Taoist Ritual for Children Victims of War" ceremony. This charitable event will take place on June 19, 2024. Families of the deceased children can register their children's information for free at taoers.com. More information about the event can be found on the taoers.com website or by contacting the official email [email protected]. #TaoistRitual #WarVictims #Children #GazaConflict #Taoism #CharityEvent #PrayersForPeace #InternationalTaoistOrganization #QingchengMountain #MemorialCeremony
    0 评论 0 股票 6516 视图 0 Reviews
  • https://www.facebook.com/share/VGqWVP3EsyAG9Dzw/
    Facebook ပေါ်တွင် ပို့စ်များ၊ ဓာတ်ပုံများနှင့် အခြားအရာများစွာတို့ကို ကြည့်ပါ။
    0 评论 0 股票 588 视图 0 Reviews
  • #TaoistRitual #WarVictims #ChildRemembrance #Taoism #CharityEvent #QingchengMountain #InternationalTaoistOrganization #PeacePrayers #TaoersCom
    #TaoistRitual #WarVictims #ChildRemembrance #Taoism #CharityEvent #QingchengMountain #InternationalTaoistOrganization #PeacePrayers #TaoersCom https://www.facebook.com/share/VGqWVP3EsyAG9Dzw/
    Facebook ပေါ်တွင် ပို့စ်များ၊ ဓာတ်ပုံများနှင့် အခြားအရာများစွာတို့ကို ကြည့်ပါ။
    0 评论 0 股票 6308 视图 0 Reviews
  • 道教超度儿童的意义
    道教超度是一种为亡者超度灵魂、化解冤孽的宗教仪式,旨在帮助亡灵摆脱痛苦、往生善处。在道教中,儿童的超度有着特别的意义,因为孩子灵魂纯洁,早逝往往令人悲伤和难以接受。以下是一篇关于道教超度儿童的内容。 道教超度儿童 一、超度的意义 超度,源自道教“超脱”和“度化”之意,是指通过宗教仪式,帮助亡灵脱离苦海,往生善道。道教认为,灵魂是永存的,超度不仅能安抚亡者的灵魂,还能减轻生者的悲痛,并为家庭带来平安和福祉。 二、超度儿童的特殊意义 儿童由于年纪尚小,灵魂纯净,未染世俗罪业。道教认为,儿童的早逝是因缘未尽或宿命安排,因此超度儿童更显得尤为重要,意在抚慰亡魂、解除怨气、助其安然转生。 三、超度仪式的准备 选择吉日:道士会根据道教历法,选择一个适宜的吉日进行超度仪式,以确保仪式顺利进行。...
    0 评论 0 股票 3509 视图 0 Reviews